There is an old joke that observes, 98% of people masturbate
and the other 2% are lying.

But according to the most recent study based on a representative sample of American males, over 92% percent said they masturbated
during the past year with over 63% of men stating they masturbate daily or weekly.

Previous studies have shown that men are most likely to masturbate from their early teens well into middle age.
Men’s masturbation rates fell somewhat after age 50. But on the whole, men who masturbate continue to do so well into their later lives.


By age 17, about 80% of males have masturbated, as opposed to 58% of females

According to the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior


87% of married men and 77% of married women admit to masturbating in the last 3 months

According to The Marriage Bed Survey

Men who masturbate are smarter and healthier…  

The reality is that having a sexual orgasm on a regular basis may actually be good for you. In fact, several medical studies have suggested that reaching orgasm more often could make you smarter and healthier. Research has found that, men who masturbate to orgasm frequently have an associated increase with an enhanced functioning immune system when compared to those who do not orgasm as often.

Let’s also consider the potential benefits for your brain. In one recent study, males were either deprived of sex (meaning they were not able to have sex during a two-week period) or they received sex daily for two weeks. At the end of the study, researchers found that the males who had been more sexually active not only experienced more neuron growth in their brain, but they also had lower levels of stress hormones in their system. These provocative results suggest that frequent sexual stimulation enhances cognitive function while reducing stress.


Men who masturbate live longer…

In another fascinating experiment, researchers tested the blood of men who had recently masturbated to orgasm and compared it to guys who had not orgasmed recently. Results indicated that the men who climaxed demonstrated higher immune system function, as evidenced by an overall increase in leukocytes and natural killer cells, compared to the non-orgasm control group. If these apparent immune-boosting effects of orgasm are achieved frequently, it is possible that masturbation could potentially translate into a longer life expectancy.

In a recent United Kingdom study, men aged 40-60 reported on their frequency of orgasms. Researchers then tracked the death rate of these men over the next 10 years. What they found was the men who reported the greatest number of orgasms had a 50% lower risk of death than the men who climaxed least often. This creates a whole new meaning to,” your life is in your hands”, literally!

Although the study held linked all causes of deaths; the strongest link between orgasm frequency and lower death risk occurred when considering deaths caused by coronary heart disease. This suggests that orgasm may be good for your heart. Who needs a treadmill when you have Doc’s Cream?


Men who ejaculated frequently (at least 21 times a month) had a 20% lower chance of prostate cancer

According to a 2016 prostate cancer study by Boston University and Harvard Medical School

Masturbation can improve sperm quality in men with fertility problems


Myths About Masturbation

Most people are embarrassed talking about masturbation due to some of the negative and/or mixed messages that can be received about doing this normal behavior.  According to the medical community and extensive research, masturbation does not contribute to any known physical, mental, or medical problems. Here are some of the most common myths about masturbation and its effects on males (and females).  We believe it is beneficial for our readers to know the truth about these myths: 

  • Masturbation is natural behavior
  • Masturbation does not make your eyesight go bad or cause blindness.
  • Masturbation does not cause acne.
  • Masturbation will not cause your penis to shrink.
  • Masturbation will not make you go insane.
  • Masturbation does not cause cancer.
  • Masturbation will not make you sterile.
  • Masturbation will not turn you into a pervert.
  • Masturbation will not give you an STD.
  • Masturbation is not self-abuse.
  • Masturbation is not a steppingstone to the homosexual lifestyle.
  • Masturbation will not hinder your social, sexual or emotional development
  • Masturbation is not the same as infidelity.
  • Masturbation will not prohibit or limit your performance during intercourse.

Graham Crackers and Masturbation

Graham crackers were invented by a Presbyterian minister named Sylvester Graham in the early 1800s. He believed that a vegetarian diet, including his crackers, would help suppress lustful behaviors, including masturbation, which he believed led to insanity and blindness.

Purchase Doc's Masturbation Cream

Orgasms and Insomnia

Orgasms, regardless of their source, release prolactin – a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Increased levels of prolactin, typically seen after orgasm, is what’s responsible for the subsequent feelings of relaxation and sleepiness. After orgasm, our bodies also release oxytocin. This hormone reduces cortisol levels, helping to increase relaxation and reduce stress. The release of oxytocin also triggers the release of endorphins which can relieve pain and have a sedative effect. So if you are dealing with insomnia, giving yourself an orgasm through sex or masturbation may help!

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regular orgasms actually incite neurogenesis, or the birth of new cells in the brain, and also better cognitive function

According to a 2013 study by Hippocampus

Studies have shown that the release of endorphins during orgasms can help relieve migraine headaches


May is National Masturbation Month in The United States!

Introduced in 1995, National Masturbation Month is intended to reduce the stigma surrounding the discussion and practice of masturbation. It’s also a good time for masturbation education and sexual health.

As holidays go, you can’t beat it. Oh wait, you CAN beat it!

Make sure to use Doc’s Cream to enhance your sexual enjoyment, with or without a partner.

The World's Best Masturbation Cream